A Bottle of Stars™
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Made With Love, A Bottle of Stars.

From me to you. A bottle of Stars. Nothing much, just the many wishes I have for you.

It was said that if you fold enough lucky stars (I think it was 99,999,999) by yourself, you could grant one a wish. But well, folding 100 stars already makes your hand hurts! No need to talk about 99,999,999! 999 would already be a killer! It takes patient and preservarence to complete this easy yet hard task!

How would I know?

I made 999 Lucky Stars, put into a heart shaped bottle for my Daddy! So, obviously I know how much pain I had to go through to complete it! Ha! but after about 1 or 2days I finally finished doing it! and it wasn’t 1 or 2days of spare time folding, it was a hardcore throughout the day work!

The bottle was quite plain.. wanted to make it more special. So, I pasted on this cute doggy figures (we love dogs!) that I’ve bought from Toy’s R Us, on top of the bottle.

Why 999? In chinese 999 = ‘Jiu Jiu Jiu’ which means Forever. So, since it will be impossible for me to fold 99,999,999. 999 was the next best choice I’m left with.

This is how it looks now..

9:52 PM;

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